WinDbg cheat sheet

Working with WinDbg is kind of pain in the ass and I never remember all the commands by heart, so I write down the commands I used.

Loading stuff

.loadby sos mscorwks Load SOS extension (will identify sos location by loaded mscorwks path)
.load c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\sos Load SOS extension for  .NET 2.0
.load psscor2 Load PSSCOR for .NET 2.0 (replaces SOS)
.load sosex Load SOSEX extension
.load sieextpub Load SieExtPub extension
.load rpcexts Load RPC extension
.unload Unload extension
.cordll -ve -u -l Retry loading of SOS
!help <command> Latest extension commands help (SOS,SOSEX,PSSCOR)
! Like !help but for specifically for SOSEX
!sosexhelp Display this screen or details about the specified command (SOSEX)
!sym noisy

[.symfix c:\symbols]


Load symbols if not set in environment
.load wow64exts



Switched to 32bit mode after doing this

Examining code and stacks

~<thread id>s Set active thread
~ all threads
!clrstack [-a] [-p] [-l] managed call stack (no CLR stuff)
!dumpstack [-ee] unmanaged and managed call stack
!eestack -short [-ee] Run dumpstack on all threads and show only ‘interesting’ (lock, hijacked, managed)
!mk [FrameCount] [-l] [-p] [-a] unmanaged and managed call stack, better than !dumpheap (sosex)
Kb [number] Unmanaged stack with arguments (kb4 limits stack to 4 frames)
!uniqstack Unmanaged stacks without duplication, nice if have many worker threads
!threads [-live] [-special] all managed threads
!dso [-verify] [top stack [bottom stack]] Objects stack trace (the actual object type and not where the method is)
!mdso [/a | /r | /c:n | /t:<typeFilter> | /mt:<mt>] Dumps object references on the stack and in CPU registers in the current context
!name2ee mscorlib.dll System.Threading.Thread


.foreach (t {!dumpheap -mt <mtaddress> -short}) {.if(poi(${t}+28)>0){.printf ” Thread Obj: %N, Obj Address: ${t}, Name: %N \n”,poi(${t}+28), poi(${t}+c)}}

2 commands
get the .net threads object address for each thread matching by thread obj id



!analyze -v [-hang] -v Very detailed exception data (SLOW),  -hang Generates !analyze hung-application output.
!pe [<exceptionAddr>] most recent exception data (don’t forget the external stack)
!dae Dump all exception found (psscor)

CLR data structures

!eeheap -gc Get managed heap size
!dumpheap [-stat] [-mt <>] [-type <>] [-strings] [-min] [-max] What classes take space in managed heap
!dumpheap <address> <address> Show the object that are in the given memory segments (show only specific generation by combining with output of !eeheap -gc)
!dumpgen <genNum> [-free] [-stat] [-type <>] [-nostrings] Dumps the contents of the specified generation (sosex)
!gcgen <objectAddr> Displays the GC generation of the specified object (sosex)
!gcroot <objectAddr> [-nostacks] Find how an object reference is reachable
!refs <objectAddr> [-target|-source] Displays all references from and to the specified object (sosex)
!finalizequeue all the object that are in finalize queue
!finq [genNum] [-stat] Displays objects in the finalization queue (sosex)
!frq [-stat] Display objects in the Freachable queue (sosex)
!dumpdomain Display app-domains info
!FindAppDomain <address> Determines the application domain of an object at the specified address.
!mx <Filter String> Displays managed type/field/method names matching the specified filter string (sosex)
!gchandles List GC handles statistics
!gch [-handleType] Lists all GC Handles, optionally filtered by specified handle types

Unmanaged Memory

gflags /i <pocess name> +ust Add allocation stack for this process
!address -summary Show summery of memory by types
!heap -s Show all heaps
!heap -stat -h <heap addr> Show blocks of specific heap
!heap -flt s <block size> Show addresses of memory blocks of specific size by heap
!heap -p -a <usrPtr> Display allocation call stack for given block user ptr address

Object Inspection

!do <address> information about object
!dumpvc <mt> <address> Information about struct
!mdt [typename | MT] [addr] [-r[:level]] [-e[:level]] Displays the fields of an object or type, -r optionally recursively, -e optionally collections (sosex)
!mroot <addr> Displays GC roots for the specified object (sosex)
!objsize <addr> The size of the object including all fields
!dumpmt -md <addr> see what methods the object exposes (preJiv – ngen, Jit – jitted, None  – never been called)
!name2ee * <type name> Get the class data for specific type
!da <addr> [-start #] [-length #] [-details] Displays the contents of an array at the address 00ad28d0. starts from the second element and continues for five elements.
!refs <addr> [-target|-source] Displays all references from and to the specified object (sosex)
!DumpRCW .NET 4.5


!syncblk [-all | <syncblkNumber>] Show all sync blocks that are owned by the current thread but not thinlocks, use !DumpHeap -thinlock
!DumpHeap -thinlock Show all the thin locks
!dlk [-d] Displays deadlocks between SyncBlocks and/or ReaderWriterLocks, only managed (sosex)
!critlist Get critical sections that threads are locked on (sieextpub)
!mlocks [-d] Lists all managed lock objects and CriticalSections and their owning threads (sosex)
!mwaits [-d] Lists all waiting threads and, if known, the locks they are waiting on (sosex)
!rwlock [objectAddr | -nd] Displays all RWLocks or, if provided a RWLock address, details of the specified lock (sosex)
dt <lockAddr>  
!handle <handleAddr> f Show data on the handle, if mutex or event can show the owner (procId.ThreadId)


.cls Clear screen
~*e <command> Execute command for all threads
!u, u <method intptr> Show the disassemble of a method
!mu [addr] [-s] [-il] [-n] Displays a disassembly around the current instruction with interleaved source, IL and asm code (sosex)
!muf [MD| Code Addr] [-s] [-il] [-n] Displays a disassembly with interleaved source, IL and asm code (sosex)
!dumpil <method intptr> Show the IL code of the method
!address <address> displays information about the memory that the target process or target computer uses.
!runaway CPU time of each thread
sxe ld:<dll name> why a specific module was loaded
vertarget The time of the dump
.foreach Crazy loops
poi(<address>) Follow reference for the given pointer (handle) address
!SaveModule <addr> <path> Save the module dll to a file (can be used to get its version)
!TraverseHeap [-xml] <filename> Dump heap data that can be used by CLR profiler
!teb  displays all elements of the TEB or “Thread Environment Block”
!strings [ModuleAddress] [min] [max] [gen#] [filter] Search the managed heap or a module for strings matching the specified criteria
!mln <addr> Displays the type of managed data located at the specified address or the current instruction pointer
lm [v] [m] <moduleName> Show data on the loaded modules (mscorwks, clr)
lmf list loaded modules with full path
!filevers Show version and paths of all loaded modules (sieextpub)
!comcalls Show COM calls on all threads
!rpcreadstack <stack addr> Get RPC call information (rpcexts)
!getendpointinfo <port> searches the system’s RPC state information for endpoint information (rpcexts)

9 comments on “WinDbg cheat sheet

  1. rohan kumbhar says:

    nice set of commands.. very useful to me. Thanks.

  2. martin says:

    .loadby sos clr worked for me

  3. […] dump, open it up in windbg, and look around (there are tons of windbg cheat sheets around like this one, this one, or this one). We’re going […]

  4. […] dump, open it up in windbg, and look around (there are tons of windbg cheat sheets around like this one, this one, or this one). We’re going […]

  5. kamrantav says:

    thanks for this collection

  6. Biagio says:

    add !dumphttpcontext (psscor2)?

  7. […] WinDbg cheat sheet […]

  8. […] helpful cheat sheet clearly describes all available commands at this […]

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